
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith

Collective Worship

Collective Worship 2023-2024

Collective Worship is a key feature in the life of Totternhoe CE Academy.   We join together to worship and give thanks. 

​We have a daily act of collective worship where we meet as a school community to sing hymns, listen to stories, reflect on them and pray together.

At our times of Worship, we come together to...
be together,
pause and be still,
reflect and pray,
celebrate and shine,
worship and sing


See Key Information page for Collective Worship Policy

​Collective Worship at Totternhoe is a highly valued time of the school day, where the whole school community gathers together in a time that is honouring and worthy to God. During Collective Worship, our values provide opportunities for discussion about diversity, spiritual growth and development in our children and adults. This is demonstrated through the teachings of Jesus, stories from a range of cultures and backgrounds, and the personal experiences of our pupils and adults.


The school uses the Christian values of the 'Roots and Fruits' materials to add depth to the values teaching.  Each half term the theme of our Collective Worship is based on our values, as well as the suggested themes set by the Diocese of St Albans. In addition, we link the festivals and seasons of the church calendar,  to national celebrations and special days, to further enrich our whole school ethos.

The Christian character of our school positively contributes to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children, by providing opportunities for them to learn about other people's faiths, feelings and values during Collective Worship, including those planned by pupils, reflection times, RE lessons and extra-curricular activities. 

We extend a warm welcome to Reverend Kaushal to lead Collective Worship each week, where he has been teaching the children the Lord's Prayer, as well as providing additional teachings about significant events in the Christian calendar, including Christmas and Easter. 

We also welcome the 'Open the Book' team from St Giles, who come along once each school term to lead Collective Worship in a fun, interactive and engaging way. They often choose children to come to the front and join in, helping them to deliver their message by acting out stories or reading out passages from the Bible.
