
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith


Welcome to Year 3 Oak Class

Mrs O'Neill, Miss Hood and Mrs Hailey

Autumn Term

In Art and Design, we will explore the question ‘Can I use shading and drawing techniques to draw plants?', where the children will develop an understanding of shading and drawing techniques to create botanical inspired drawings.


In Computing, we will explore the questions ‘What is a network?' and 'How does a computer work?' The children will be introduced to the concept of networks, learning how devices communicate. From identifying components, children will learn how information is shared and deepen this understanding by exploring examples of real-world networks. They will then take on the role of computer parts and will create paper versions of computers to help to consolidate an understanding of how a computer works, as well as identifying similarities and differences between various models.


In Design and Technology, we will explore the question 'Can I create a cross stitch and applique design?', where the children will learn how to create and apply two new sewing techniques – cross-stitch and appliqué. They will utilise these new skills to design and make a cushion or Egyptian collar.


In French, we will explore the question 'Can I use French greetings?', where the children will use puppets to practise a variety of French greetings and learn how to introduce themselves. They will learn how to choose the correct greeting based on the time of day and ask someone how they are.


In Geography, we will explore the question 'Why do people live near volcanoes?', where the children will learn that the Earth is constructed in layers, and the crust is divided into tectonic plates. They will study the formation and distribution of mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes and use Mount Etna to identify how human interaction shapes a volcanic landscape.


In History, we will explore the question 'Would you prefer to have lived in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age?' The children will look at the chronology of mankind and be introduced to Britain’s story. They will use archaeological evidence to find out about the Stone Age, Bronze and Iron Age.


In Music, we will explore the question 'What is a ballad?' where children will learn what ballads are, how to identify their features and how to convey different emotions when performing them. Using an animation as inspiration, children carefully select vocabulary to describe the story, before turning them into lyrics by incorporating rhyming words and following the structure of a traditional ballad.


Our PE focuses for this term are 'Football', 'Invasion Games', 'Dodgeball' and 'Tennis'.


In PSHE, we will explore the question 'What do I know about family and relationships?', where the children will learn how to resolve relationship problems, develop effective listening skills and how to use non-verbal communication. The children will look at the impact of bullying and what action can be taken, exploring trust and who to trust and that stereotyping can exist.


In Religious Education, we will explore the questions 'What kind of world did Jesus want?' and 'What is the ‘Trinity’ and why is it important to Christians?' The children will identify texts that come from a Gospel, which tells the story of the life and teaching of Jesus, give examples of how Christians try to show love for all, including how Christian leaders try to follow Jesus’ teaching in different ways, and make links between the importance of love in the Bible stories studied and life in the world today, giving a good reason for their ideas. The children will offer suggestions about what texts about baptism and the Trinity mean to different Christians today, describe how Christians show their beliefs about God the Trinity in worship in different ways (in baptism and prayer, for example) and in the way they live, and make links between some Bible texts studied and the idea of God in Christianity, expressing clearly some ideas of their own about what Christians believe God is like.


In Science, we will explore the questions 'What is movement and nutrition?' and 'How do forces and magnets work?' The children will study the human skeleton, identifying key bones and explore how muscle changes result in movement. They will learn about how the body uses energy, what constitutes a balanced diet in humans and how research contributes to nutritionist expertise. By investigating motion on different surfaces, children will learn about friction and compare its uses and disadvantages. They will broaden their experience in working scientifically as they investigate contact and non-contact forces. They will explore the properties of different magnets and apply this to understand their uses.

Our Class Readers

Class Homework

Weekly Homework

  • Each week, your child will be set:
  • 1 x English or Maths based homework
  • Spellings to learn
  • TTRS practise
  • Daily Reading


Please upload a picture of your completed homework to ClassDojo.


Spelling Shed
Click here to login to Spelling Shed
Times Table Rockstars
​Click here to login to TTRockStars.

Termly Grid Homework

There is also termly grid homework. Pick three and have each one completed by the dates listed. You are more than welcome to do them in advance or do more than three.


Please note that our timetable is flexible and may be subject to change.

Useful Information


PE is every Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child wears their named, correct PE kit in school on these days, that earrings are not worn and long hair is tied up.



The children have access to their water bottles in the classroom during the day. Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school which is taken home regularly to be washed.



Every Friday we change our Library Books in the school library (Reading books can be changed any day of the week)



Your child is welcome to bring in a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables each day. 



Reading books are your child's responsibility and they will be responsible for changing their own book. Please record the date and title of the book that they have chosen in their reading record and make sure that your child’s reading record is signed to say they have finished their book and read as regularly as you can with them at home.

Please make sure reading books and reading records are brought in every day.
