Growing together in knowledge love and faith
In Art and Design, we will explore the question ‘How do I create using colour, form and shape?’, where the children will learn how to transform 2D card shapes into three-dimensional structures and sculptures, exploring abstract shapes and space, developing skills in constructing 3D objects, and understand the difference between 2D and 3D art.
In Computing, we will explore the questions ‘How does a computer work?’ and ‘Can I edit and enhance a video?’ The children will learn about the role of computer parts and will create paper versions of computers to help to consolidate an understanding of how a computer works, as well as identifying similarities and differences between various models. They will then plan a book trailer, take photos or videos that tell a story, edit a video, and add text and transitions to a video.
In Design and Technology, we will explore the question ‘How can I construct a castle?’, where the children will learn how to recognise how multiple shapes (2D and 3D) are combined to form a strong and stable structure, design a castle, construct 3D nets, and construct and evaluate their final product.
In French, we will explore the questions ‘Can I use numbers during playground games?’ and ‘Can I describe a classroom?’. The children will count beyond 6 in French, use number words to give more information about ourselves, recognise the numbers one to twelve, written in French, and use the number words one to twelve when playing playground games. Children will then learn to understand and respond to simple classroom instructions, name school bag objects and recognise if they are masculine or feminine, ask and answer a question about something you have or do not have, read and understand short sentences and prepare and present a short, spoken text.
In Geography, we will explore the question ‘Who lives in Antarctica?’, where the children will learn how to understand the position and significance of lines of latitude, describe the location and physical features of Antarctica, describe the human features of Antarctica, use four-figure grid references to plot Shackleton’s route to Antarctica, plan a simple route on a map using compass point, and follow instructions involving compass points and map a simple route.
In History, we will explore the question ‘Why did the Romans settle in Britain?’ The children will investigate life in Ancient Rome by looking at its buildings, explore the causes of the Roman invasion of Britain, investigate the different responses to the Roman invasion using a range of sources, explore how the Roman army was so successful using a range of sources, investigate the lives of Roman soldiers by examining artefacts found at Vindolanda, and explore the impact of invasion and settlement by examining the legacy of the Roman Empire in Britain.
In Music, we will explore the question ‘How do I improve my singing technique?’ where children will learn how to sing in time with others, recognise simple rhythmic notation by ear and by sight, use simple rhythmic notation to compose a Viking battle song and perform music with confidence and discipline.
Our PE focuses for this term are ‘Gymnastics’, ‘Dance’, ‘Basketball’ and ‘Rugby’.
In PSHE, we will explore the question ‘What do I know about health and well-being?’, where the children will understand and plan for a healthy lifestyle including physical activity, rest and diet, perform a range of relaxation stretches, understand the different aspects of my identity, identify my own strengths and begin to see how they can affect others, break down barriers into smaller, achievable goals, recognise when to give consent, and understand the benefits of healthy eating and dental health.
In Religious Education, we will explore the questions ‘Why do some people think that life is a journey?’ and ‘Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?’ The children will suggest why some people see life as a journey and identify some of the key milestones on this journey, describe what happens in Christian, Jewish, and/ or Hindu ceremonies of commitment and say what these rituals mean, suggest reasons why marking the milestones of life are important to Christians, Hindus and/or Jews, and link up some questions and answers about how believers show commitment with their own ideas about community, belonging and belief. Children will also recognise the word ‘salvation’ and that Christians believe that Jesus came to ‘save’ or ‘rescue’ people, make informed suggestions about what the events of Holy Week mean for Christians, make simple links between the gospel accounts and how Christians mark the Easter events in their communities, describe how Christians show their beliefs about Jesus in worship in different ways, and raise thoughtful questions about why Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’.
In Science, we will explore the questions ‘Can I describe rocks and soils?’ and ‘What is light and shadow?’ The children will observe and group rocks using their appearance, group rocks using their physical properties, make predictions, suggest improvements and explain observations over time, describe the process of fossil formation, identify fossils and group rocks accordingly, compare soils and how they were formed and describe a soil sample using sedimentation. They will also explain the role of light sources, compare light reflecting on different surfaces, recognise which materials cast a shadow, summarise how shadows change throughout the day, investigate how the distance of the light source affects the size of its shadow, find patterns in data and form conclusion, tell a story using shadow puppets and recall how different people work with light and shadows.
Weekly Homework
Please upload a picture of your completed homework to ClassDojo.
Please note that our timetable is flexible and may be subject to change.
PE is every Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child wears their named, correct PE kit in school on these days, that earrings are not worn and long hair is tied up.
The children have access to their water bottles in the classroom during the day. Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school which is taken home regularly to be washed.
Every Friday we change our Library Books in the school library (Reading books can be changed any day of the week)
Your child is welcome to bring in a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables each day.
Reading books are your child's responsibility and they will be responsible for changing their own book. Please record the date and title of the book that they have chosen in their reading record and make sure that your child’s reading record is signed to say they have finished their book and read as regularly as you can with them at home.
Please make sure reading books and reading records are brought in every day.