
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith


Welcome to Year 3 Oak Class

Mr Needham and Mrs Waites

Summer Term 2024


Our History focus for this term is 'What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?' where the children will be learning how to: identify the ancient civilisations and key periods in ancient Egypt, describe the physical features of Egypt, explain the Egyptian creation story, identify the characteristics of important gods or goddesses, explain why the pyramids were built, identify the stages and challenges of building a pyramid, explain the links between ancient Egyptian beliefs and mummification, name sources that can be used to find out about ancient Egyptian beliefs and explain some Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife.


In Art and Design this term we will be focusing on 'Ancient Egyptian Scrolls', where the children will be learning how to: recognise and discuss the importance of Ancient Egyptian art, consider the suitability of a surface for drawing, record colours, patterns and shapes through observational drawing, choose and use tools and materials confidently, begin to experiment with drawing techniques, create a selection of sketches that show idea exploration, produce a final design with a clear purpose, follow instructions with minimal support, discuss and evaluate the process and outcome of their work, produce a complete painted or drawn piece from a design idea, use colours and materials appropriately, showing an understanding of effective composition, and have a clear idea of the subject of their zine, including a range of images and information.


In Science this term we will be focusing on ‘Plant Reproduction’, where the children will be learning how to: identify what plants need to grow healthily, describe the structure and function of the parts of flowering plants, investigate how plants transport water, describe the life cycle of a flowering plant and explain seed dispersal methods





Please note that our timetable is flexible and may be subject to change.

Class Homework


Weekly Homework

  • Each week, your child will be set:
  • 1 x English or Maths based homework
  • Spellings to learn
  • TTRS practise
  • Daily Reading


Please upload a picture of your completed homework to ClassDojo.

Spelling Shed
Click here to login to Spelling Shed
Times Table Rockstars
​Click here to login to TTRockStars.
Termly Grid Homework
There is also termly grid homework. Pick three and have each one completed by the dates listed. You are more than welcome to do them in advance or do more than three.

This term our class readers and set texts for Eglish will be....

Useful Information


PE is every Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child wears their named, correct PE kit in school on these days, that earrings are not worn and long hair is tied up.



The children have access to their water bottles in the classroom during the day. Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school which is taken home regularly to be washed.



Every Friday we change our Library Books in the school library (Reading books can be changed any day of the week)



Your child is welcome to bring in a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables each day. 



Reading books are your child's responsibility and they will be responsible for changing their own book. Please record the date and title of the book that they have chosen in their reading record and make sure that your child’s reading record is signed to say they have finished their book and read as regularly as you can with them at home.

Please make sure reading books and reading records are brought in every day.

Weekly Timetable

Please note that Oak class have a flexible timetable and this is subject to change.

In Year 3 we have been reading....
