
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith


Mrs Willsher, 

Mrs Aldridge and Mrs Fox

Holly Class Readers

GeographyWhat is it like to live in Shanghai? - This project teaches the children to identify their own and other countries on a map, and to look and compare the physical and human features of our local area compared to the city of Shanghai . 


Art and Design - Street View - This project teaches children about artwork depicting streets and buildings and focuses on the work of the American pop artist, James Rizzi. They create a 3-D mural based on Rizzi's work.  


HistoryHow have Explorers changed the world? - This project looks at how explorers past and present have made significant discoveries that affect us now in the present. 


Design and Technology  - Chop, Slice and Mash - This project teaches children about sources of food and the preparatory skills of peeling, tearing, slicing, chopping, mashing and grating. They use this knowledge and techniques to design and make a supermarket sandwich according to specific design criteria. 



Sensitive Bodies  This project teaches the children about identifying and naming body parts and conducting practical activities with the senses to spot patterns and answer questions. 


Comparing Animals -  This project teaches the children about comparing and grouping animals based on similarities and differences in their characteristics, physical features and diets. 


Alongside this we will also be learning about 'Seasonal Changes'. As a school, we are lucky enough to have our lovely 'Wonder Woods' which we will use to observe and experience all four seasons as well as take full advantage of to observe wildlife in its natural habitats. 



    Class Homework


    • Daily Reading
    • Weekly spellings to learn - Spelling shed logins sent home
    • Termly Foundation Subject homework grid
    • Watch Phonics Lesson Videos daily


    Upload photos of completed homework to your child's portfolio on ClassDojo

    Home Learning Support


    Click here to login to TTRockStars.

    Click here to login to SpellingShed.
    Click here to login to Oxford Owl.

    Holly Class Timetable - Subject to Change

    Useful Information


    We will have daily English, Guided Reading, Spelling, Handwriting and RWI lessons to work on our reading, writing, spelling, and phonic knowledge, as well as our daily Maths lessons. We will continue to secure our knowledge and understanding of numbers, shape measures, time, problem-solving, and many other skills. 


    Our two PE sessions throughout the week will be on a Tuesday and Friday. During the Summer term, our focus in PE will be Fundamental Movement Skills, Athletics and Sports Day practice. Please ensure your child wears their named, correct PE kit in school on these days, appropriate for the weather, and that earrings are not worn and hair is tied back to avoid injuries. 


    Year 1 Phonics Screen Check:

    Every child in Year 1 is required to take the Phonics Screening Check in June. The Children learn and practise phonics everyday as part of the Read Write Inc scheme. They also have plenty of opportunities to embed their learning within the classroom. The following links may be useful:
