
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith


Mrs Willsher, 

Mrs Aldridge and Mrs Fox

Holly Class Readers


How is my Body Sensitive? Identifying and naming body parts and conducting practical activities with the senses to spot patterns and answer questions.

Can I describe and compare animals? Comparing and grouping animals based on similarities and differences in their characteristics, physical features and diets.



How have Toys changed? Children will discuss their favourite toy and compare it to toys of the past. We will learn about toys from different periods of history.



What is the Weather like in the UK? Children learn to identify and locate the four UK countries, recognise their own country and describe locations using basic compass directions. They also measure different types of weather, using symbols used in weather forecasts, describe seasonal changes and suggest appropriate clothing and activities for each season.



Can I create sculptures with paper? This unit introduces pupils to paper-based 3D art forms, focusing on techniques like rolling paper tubes, shaping paper strips, and constructing imaginative sculptures. Children develop skills in creating 3D structures and applying painting skills in three-dimensional art, enhancing their understanding of form and construction. 



How do I construct with wheels and axles? Learning about the key parts of a wheeled vehicle, the children develop an understanding of how wheels, axles and axle holders work while designing and making a moving vehicle.

How do I design and make a puppet? The children will learn how to design and create their own puppets by joining fabrics.



What is the difference between timbre and rhythmic patterns? Through fairytales, children are introduced to the concept of sound patterns (rhythms). We will explore clapping along to repeated words and phrases, creating rhythmic patterns to tell a familiar fairytale.



How can I create digital images? Developing photography and image editing skills to capture photos to create an adventure story.

How do I program a bee bot? Exploring programming by giving clear instructions to a bee bot and explaining how it works.




This term we will be learning: gymnastics, dance, basketball and throwing and catching. Holly Class PE days will be Monday and Wednesday. Please come to school in full PE kit including a t-shit in your house colour. 



    Class Homework


    • Daily Reading
    • Weekly spellings to learn - Spelling shed logins sent home
    • Termly Foundation Subject homework grid
    • Watch Phonics Lesson Videos daily


    Upload photos of completed homework to your child's portfolio on ClassDojo

    Home Learning Support


    Click here to login to Teach a Monster to Read.

    Click here to login to Spelling Shed.
    Click here to login to Oxford Owl.

    Holly Class Timetable - Subject to Change

    Useful Information


    We will have daily English, Guided Reading, Spelling, Handwriting and RWI lessons to work on our reading, writing, spelling, and phonic knowledge, as well as our daily Maths lessons. We will continue to secure our knowledge and understanding of numbers, shape measures, time, problem-solving, and many other skills. 


    Our two PE sessions throughout the week will be on a Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child wears their named, correct PE kit in school on these days, appropriate for the weather, and that earrings are not worn and hair is tied back to avoid injuries. 


    Year 1 Phonics Screen Check:

    Every child in Year 1 is required to take the Phonics Screening Check in June. The Children learn and practise phonics everyday as part of the Read Write Inc scheme. They also have plenty of opportunities to embed their learning within the classroom. The following links may be useful:
