Growing together in knowledge love and faith
In Art and Design this term we will explore 'Can I draw for different purposes?', where children will develop their skills in using different art styles, exploring effects with tools, understanding and applying chiaroscuro, and creating symbolic and expressive drawings
In Computing this term we will explore 'What is the history of computers?' and 'How can I use python?' The children will explore code breaking at Bletchley Park, historical figures in computing, the evolution of computers and use loops in python, including nested loops and explain what they do.
In Design and Technology, we will ask the question, 'Can I construct an electrical toy?' and 'How do I navigate the digital world?', where the children will design and create a steady hand game using four different perspective drawings and incorporate key information from a client's design request to write a program and plan a pitch.
In French, we will ask the question, 'Can I plan a holiday?', where the children will identify the countries in the world in French, begin to understand the present and future tense of ‘aller’ in French, identify the present and future tenses in reading and listening and label images of clothing correctly.
In Geography, we will ask the question, 'Where does our energy come from?', where the children will describe the significance of energy, give examples of sources of energy and their trading routes, define renewable and non-renewable energy, discuss the benefits and drawbacks of different energy sources and describe the significance of the Prime Meridian.
Our History focus for this term is 'What was the impact of World War 2 on the people of Britain?' and children will identify the causes of World War 2, identify the different phases in the Battle of Britain and describe how children may have felt when evacuated.
Our Music focus for this term is 'What is Baroque?' where children will define some key features of Baroque music, including recitative, canon, ground bass and fugue, take part in a vocal improvisation task based on Baroque recitative and play several parts of a canon using staff notation, with or without letter names.
Our PE focuses for this term are 'Dance', 'Gymnastics', 'Basketball' and 'Hockey'.
In PSHE, we will ask the question, 'What do I know about health and wellbeing?', where the children will describe qualities or values they want to develop and create achievable goals, describe the importance of relaxation and suggest different strategies and describe how they take care of their physical wellbeing.
In RE this term we will explore the questions 'How is faith expressed in Islam?' and 'Justice and Poverty: Does faith make a difference?' The children will identify and explain Muslim beliefs, give examples of how Muslims put their beliefs into practice in different ways and make connections, reflect on what it means to be a Muslim in Britain today, explain the importance of the idea that God loves justice, compare ideas about justice and fairness and make connections from sacred texts.
In Science this term we will explore the questions 'What components do I need to make a circuit?' and 'Can I explain the circulatory system?' The children will develop knowledge of circuits, the effects of changing voltage, how switches contribute to different devices, explore the heart and circulatory system through models and enquiries and consider how lifestyle choices affect our health.
Each week, your child will be set:
Please upload a picture of completed homework to ClassDojo.
Please note that our timetable is flexible and may be subject to change.
PE is every Thursday and Friday. Please ensure your child wears their named, correct PE kit in school on these days, that earrings are not worn and long hair is tied up.
The children have access to their water bottles in the classroom during the day. Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school.
Your child is welcome to bring in a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables each day.
Reading books are your child's responsibility and they will be responsible for changing their own reading book and library book. Please ensure your child has recorded the date and title of the book that they have chosen in their reading record and make sure that your child’s reading record is written in daily and read as regularly as you can with them at home.