
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith


Rowan Year 2

Mrs Aldridge, Mrs Summers and Miss Long





Class Readers

Summer Topics


Our themed curriculum for the Summer term will be 'Street Detectives', which is a history and geography project.  We will be learning about our local area, developing our knowledge of key landmarks, services and the community, how these have changed over the years and what the children, as the younger generation, can do for our local area.


In our art lessons, Rowan class will be studying portraiture. We will look at a range of portraits through time and compare them with selfies. Rowan will use photo editing software to create their own portraits.



In our Design and Technology lessons, we will be focusing on exploring objects made from textiles and the significant British designer Cath Kidston. We will learn about sewing patterns, different methods for joining materials and how to add embellishment.


In Science, we will be learning about how animals, including humans grow, what they need to survive and how they can stay fit and healthy.

Summer Resources

Class Homework


  • Daily reading
  • Weekly spellings to learn
  • Weekly maths or English

Summer Homework Grid (Foundation Subjects)

Home Learning Support

Useful information


  • Book bags need to be brought into school every day.
  • PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child wears their named, correct PE kit in school on these days.
  • The children have access to their water bottles in the classroom during the day. Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school which is taken home regularly to be washed
  • Reading books will be changed as regularly as possible. Your child will be responsible for changing their own book - they will record the date and title of the book that they have chosen in their reading record. Please also make sure that your child’s reading record is signed to say they have finished their book and read as regularly as you can with them at home. 
  • Any questions, please come and speak to us!



Rowan Class Timetable

Please note that our timetable is flexible and may be subject to change! 
