
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith


Welcome to Blossom Class


Preschool Leader: Mrs Willsher


Deputy Preschool Leader: Mrs Batchelor

Preschool Assistant: Ms Feng, Mrs Law, Mrs Oliver, Mrs Tunstall


EYFS Leader: Miss Needham

We use a thematic approach to delivering our Early Years curriculum. Over the course of the year, we will be preparing the children for the next stag in their learning through a range of projects.


Each project allows us to explore learning in all seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Physical Development



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

Autumn Term


Art and Design: Marvellous Marks

Exploring mark-making through different drawing materials. Beginning to draw from observation using faces and self-portraits as a stimulus.


PSED: Self-regulation: My feelings

In this unit, children are learning to explore and understand their feelings, identify when they may be feeling something, and begin learning how to communicate and cope with their feelings and emotions.


Science: Changing Seasons

Observing how the natural world transforms through the year and recognising how these changes affect the weather, plants and animals.


Design and Technology: Structures: Junk modelling

In this unit, pupils explore and learn about various types of permanent and temporary join. They are encouraged to tinker using a combination of materials and joining techniques in the junk modelling area.


Physical Education: Simple Skills 

This term we will be learning: fundamental movement skills, attacking and defending, tennis and circuit training.

Talk Through Stories


Talk through stories grows children's spoken vocabulary drawing on the best of children's literature.

Each week we will be reading a different story and learning new vocabulary.

Healthy Eating

Snacks for 1 to 4 year olds

Pack Lunches information

Good food Choices and portion sizes for 1 to 4 year olds

Operation Encompass
