
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith

Who’s Who

Our Tremendous Team


Miss G. Needham
(DDSL/ Early Years Leader/ SENCO/ Prevent officer/Fire Warden)

Deputy Headteacher 
Miss L. Jesson (Year 6 Maple)
(DSL/Fire Warden)


Mrs R. McGlone (Year R Cherry)

Mrs R.Willsher (Year 1 Holly)

Mrs L. Aldridge & Mrs A. Summers (Year 2 Rowan)

Mr O. Needham (Year 3 Oak)

Miss M. Edey (Year 4 Sycamore)

Mrs A. O'Neill (DDSL) (Year 5/6 Hazel)


Preschool Leader 
Mrs R. Waters 
​(DDSL, Assistant SENCO)


Deputy Preschool Leader 
Mrs T. Batchelor
2-year-old coordinator
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs G. Hailey 
Teaching Assistants 
Mrs A. Oliver
​Mrs J. Hackett
Mrs V. Waites
​Miss L. Fox
Miss C. Long
Miss T. Simper
Ms X. Feng
Mrs K. Colomb
Miss L. Burgess
Mrs S. Law
Miss B. Hood
Miss J. Gurling

School Business Manager

Mrs K. Pearce


Admin Team 
Miss K. Hobbs
Mrs L. Owen 

Site Agent
Miss L. Capel (Fire Warden)
Cleaning Team
Miss N Johnston 
Miss J Harwood 

Lunchtime Supervisors  
Mrs L. Owen
Miss C. Long
Volunteer Reader
Oakley & Jacqui - Pets as Therapy

Our Vision

An excellent, nurturing education, valuing and respecting all.  Everyone enjoying and exploring life in all its abundance, sharing our unique gifts, whilst growing together in love and understanding of the Christian faith.

‘Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.’ 1 Peter 4:10a

Totternhoe CE Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to the school to share this commitment 
