
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith


At Totternhoe Church of England Academy, we want our children to experience the designated aspects of the Science National Curriculum, so that they will be inspired and they will have an instilled sense of curiosity about the world in which they live. We also want to help our children develop a love of exploring the Science that exists around them and, from this, helping them aspire towards Science by seeing themselves as scientists!


The Progression in our Science Curriculum reflects our awareness of the range of insight our children have, as well as the need to provide additional experiences for those who would not otherwise have the opportunity to participate in and observe concepts covered in lessons. We also want our children to learn the appropriate scientific vocabulary so children have the needed the tools to express their understanding in an articulate and intelligent manner. Through Science, we also look to develop pupil ability to question findings and results through experimentation  skills allows for further investigation, consideration and scientific enquiry.

Our vocabulary progression is a working document as we adapt to the needs of the children. When we make changes we will let you know on class dojo so you can take a look at the updated version. 

Links for more Science 
