
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith

Curriculum Overview

Curriculum at Totternhoe CE Academy

To find out more about our curriculum please contact Miss Jesson via the school office. 
Our Growing Powers
​At Totternhoe CE Academy, our Curriculum prepares our children to grow:

Enjoy – have fun, make friends, build relationships, take part, help others and recognise personal achievements

Persevere – try again, keep going, ask for help, practise lots, try new strategies, choose resources, try an alternative, think back and think positively

Cooperate – play together, share, take turns, speak up work together, be kind, be respectful, consider others and collaborate

Be creative – use your imagination, be original, be yourself, be flexible, find inspiration and be different

Enquire – ask questions, explore, notice, look for connections, observe, discuss, research, investigate and look for patterns

Aspire – try hard, practise, set goals, work hard, aim high, plan future aims and pursue goals

Be resilient – don’t give up, have a go, try new experiences, make mistakes, start again, learn from mistakes, repair social conflict, overcome barriers and be courageous

Focus – listen, learn school rules, navigate distractions, follow school rules, break down tasks and be a role model

At Totternhoe CE Academy, we fully adhere to the Equality Act (2010) and Special Education Needs and Disability Regulations (2014). Teachers plan to stretch and support ALL learners as appropriate. Teachers set high expectations for all pupils and use Quality First Teaching, along with carefully targeted interventions to meet the needs of all learners and ensure they receive the support and challenge needed. Teachers will use appropriate assessment to set ambitious targets and plan challenging work for all groups of pupils including SEND and EAL.

The Curriculum
​The children in Year R and Pre-School follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This comprises of 7 areas of learning: the 3 Prime areas - Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development, and the 4 Specific areas - Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts. Half-termly themes are planned in Early Years.

We follow the National Curriculum across all subjects. 

Safeguarding Curriculum

Totternhoe CE Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to the school to share this commitment 


Safeguarding is taught through different aspects of the curriculum.

Online safety is taught through the Computing curriculum, following a progression of age-appropriate teaching units.

Additional online safety learning is accessed through whole school, key stages and class assemblies, eg. NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe programme, with additional follow up activities as appropriate. Safer Internet Day assemblies and activities are delivered yearly.

Safeguarding relating to relationships with peers, families and other adults, is delivered through the PSHCE curriculum which is mapped for all year groups. Areas covered include friendships; family and close positive relationships; hurtful behaviour and bullying and safe relationships - on and offline. 

Children are taught how to respond to keep themselves safe, using the NSPCC 'Pants are Private' resources, delivered through planned termly assemblies.

Road safety is taught age-appropriately, through practical activities where possible, eg. Junior Road Safety Officers, use of the  'Street Feet' resources for EYFS; annual Road Safety Week assemblies and age-related activities. The Bikeability Level 1 programme is offered to all Year 4s annually and the Bikeability Level 2 programme is offered to all Year 5s/6s annually.

Water safety is taught through our swimming (PE) curriculum which is offered in Key Stage 2.

The safeguarding curriculum is enhanced by occasional visits and visitors, eg. Fire safety and Fire service visit; visits from Police Community Support Officers re: local concerns, keeping safe online, risks from online gaming etc.

Children are taught who are the special people in school responsible for keeping them safe, and posters are clearly displayed around school. 

ALL staff build excellent relationships with the children and fully understand their role in safeguarding.

Children are taught and know that they can talk to any adult in school about anything that is concerning them. 

Staff follow established procedures for reporting and actioning safeguarding concerns.

If you have any questions about how safeguarding is taught at Totternhoe CE Academy, please contact Miss L Jesson, Deputy Headteacher and DSL, through the School Office.
