
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith


Sycamore Class Year 4


Miss Edey & Miss Hood

Sycamore's Class Readers!

Autumn - Curriculum Themes 

HISTORY - InvasionThis project teaches children about life in Britain after the Roman withdrawal. Children will learn about Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions up to the Norman conquest.


ART AND DESIGN - Warp and Weft - In this project, children will learn about the history of weaving and from this, children will have a go at creating looms and making their own wefts!


DESIGN TECHNOLOGY - Fresh Food, Good Food - In this project, the children will learn about food packaging, how to make healthy snacks and how best to preserve the freshness of good food!


SCIENCE - Living Things and their Habitats and Sound - This term we will be learning about classification keys, key animal groups (vertebrates and invertebrates) and how we can group living things! We will also be exploring how sound travels, how we can hear sounds and also how we can measure sound through its sound waves. 


Spring  - Curriculum Themes 

Geography - Misty Mountains and Winding RiversThis project teaches children about the characteristics and features of rivers and mountain ranges around the world, including a detailed exploration of the ecosystems and processes that shape them and the land around them.


ART AND DESIGN - VistaThis project teaches children about the techniques that artists use when composing landscape images, such as colour and atmosphere.


DESIGN TECHNOLOGY - Functional and Fancy Fabrics - This project teaches children about home furnishings and the significant designer William Morris. They learn techniques for decorating fabric, including block printing, hemming and embroidery and use them to design and make a fabric sample.


SCIENCE - States of Matter and Animals, Including Humans 

States of Matter  - In this unit, children will learn about solids, liquids and gases and their properties. Children will observe changes of state between these states of matter (e.g. heating and cooling) and children will conduct experiments based upon this. Children will also explore the water cycle and how evaporation and condensation partake in this. 


Animals, Including Humans - In this unit, children will learn about the parts of the digestive system and the functions of this. Children will learn about tooth decay, different types of teeth and their functions. Children will also explore food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey within them. 


Summer  - Curriculum Themes 

History -  Ancient CivilisationsThis project teaches children about ancient civilisations that existed long ago. the civilisations we will explore are: Indus Valley, ancient Sumer and Ancient Egypt! In this unit, we will be historians in exploring ancient artefacts and...exploring how these civilisations were able to grow and be so successful!


ART AND DESIGN - Statues, Statuettes and Figurines - In this unit, we will be exploring the artistry in ancient artefacts and, we will be recreating them using clay!


DESIGN TECHNOLOGY - Tomb Builders - In this unit, children will explore historic tombs and have a go at creating their own one!


SCIENCE - States of Matter and Animals, Including Humans 

Electricity - In this unit, children will identify appliances around us that use electricity, they will explore circuits and name basic parts and, they will identify conductors and insulators. 


Animals, Including Humans - In this unit, children will learn about the parts of the digestive system and the functions of this. Children will learn about tooth decay, different types of teeth and their functions. Childrne will also explore food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey within them. 

Class Homework


  • Daily reading
  • Daily times tables
  • Weekly spellings to learn
  • Weekly English or maths
  • Fortnightly PSHCE/Computing/Art/DT/Science/RE/PE etc.

Please upload a picture of completed homework to ClassDojo.

Class Timetable Spring 1


Find attached our timetable for this term. This timetable is subject to change where necessary. 

Home Learning Support

Click here to login to TTRockStars.

Click here to login to Sumdog.
Click here to login to Oxford Owl.
Click here to login to Lexia.


Useful Information

PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child wears their named, correct PE kit t school on these days, that earrings are not worn and long hair is tied up.

The children have access to their water bottles in the classroom during the day. Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school which is taken home regularly to be washed.


Your child is welcome to bring in a snack of fruit or vegetables each day. 

Reading books are your child's responsibility and they will be responsible for changing their own book. Please ensure they record the date, title of the book and a sentence explaining the last event that occurred in their reading book. Here an example for further guidance with this:


E.G.  18.09.23   Varjak Paw

Elder Paw held a family council. 
