
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith

Pupil Leadership Team

Our Pupil Leadership Team is made up of our School ambassadors, Sports ambassador and Reading ambassador. All the members of this team wrote a letter of application to be chosen for their positions in school. The house captians also on the PLT, both captians and vice captains are voted for by their house. They then sit on the school council. The school council members are voted into position by each class. 
The PLT and school council want to help all the children in our school make Totternhoe a safe, happy and caring place where everyone tries their hardest to respect and look after each other, we all want to use our gifts to serve others.   

Pupil Leadership Team


What we do:
Pupil Voice:  This is an important part of our role.  We are often asked for our opinions about areas of school life, from our learning in different areas,  to our views about the school grounds and environment.  If we have any ideas for ways to improve our school, then we can discuss those.
Fundraising: We also like to help and to serve others and together we discuss which charities we should help each year. We firmly believe in encouraging our school community to show our  Christian values of compassion, generosity, service and love.




A pupil in our school community for a bionic arm

Wheel Power


Children in Need
