
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith

School Clubs

Clubs at Totternhoe

At Totternhoe we value our clubs and the enrichment that this adds to our children's lives. 
Lunchtime and after school enrichment are very important to the school life at Totternhoe. Here is our current club timetable:

KS2 Collective Worship Club 

KS1 Roving Reporters Club
KS2 Gardening Club 

KS2 Comic Design Club

Thursday Lunchtime
Yr 5&6 Homework Club

Friday Lunchtime
KS1 Active Story Club
KS2 Sewing & Weaving Club

Gardening Club Updates - Autumn 2023



We have had a busy year in Garden Club, from growing potatoes to making bug houses for the school grounds! We kept the front entrance looking ‘blooming beautiful’ in the last year; from planting out tulips and daffodils for splash of spring colour, to a cascade of summer blooms; marigolds, geraniums, pansies, lobelia and petunias amongst the mix. The children scattered bee-friendly wildflower seeds to encourage pollinating insects, birds and butterflies to our allotment area. The children also took a tulip bulb each, in their own decorated pot, to grow at home over Christmas, for blooming in early spring. We have a new green house, kindly donated by a parent, and a new wheelbarrow; so no stopping us when the weather improves in the New Year!

Thank you to the PA and parents for all the continuing kind donations for our Garden Club.

Happy Growing : )
