
Totternhoe C.E. Academy

Growing together in knowledge love and faith


OFSTED 'Good' June 2022

Our Vision

Growing together in knowledge, love and faith

‘Jesus matured, growing up in both body and spirit, blessed by both God and people' Luke 2:52


Timings of the school day

Main School (YR - Y6)
Doors open at  8:45 am and lessons start at 9 am
Each day we join for Collective Worship at 3.00 pm
School closes at 3:30 pm
KidZone runs from 7.45 - 8:45 am and 3:30 - 5:30 pm daily
8.45am - 3:30pm (All day session)
8.45am - 11:45 (Morning session)
Lunch session 11:45 - 12:30 
12:30 pm - 3:30pm (Afternoon session) 
Please note: Children who are attending the afternoon session will need to have their lunch prior to attending.
Lunch at School
All children in Years R, 1 and 2 are entitled to a school meal under the government's 'Universal Free School Meals' scheme. This is NOT the same as Pupil Premium and we would recommend parents check with Miss Hobbs if they think they may be entitled to extra funding for their child (it is very easy to check, and we can help with this). 
School lunches are provided by Aspens and cooked in our school kitchen. Any child  in the school can book a delicious school dinner. You will find a copy of the menus in the 'Parents' area of the website.

If you would like help with packing a lunch box or cooking at home with your child, please take a look at the following link:


It is very important that children attend school regularly, are on time and ready to learn. When children are absent they miss a wide range of learning opportunities and this impacts on their progress and attainment.
The Local  Authority has set us the attendance target of 97%.
Please  read the  attached brochure  from the LA with  how you can ensure good  attendance  at school. We can't reach our target without your support. 

Totternhoe CE Academy  does not authorise holidays in term time. Further information on our attendance procedures can be found in our Attendance Policy.

​Please note that  children  are not allowed to attend PA events if they have been absent from school the same day. 
To read Central Bedfordshire Council information for parents please click on the link below.

We value your comments and always want to hear how you think we can make Totternhoe  the best we can be.  


We hold Parent Information Evenings termly with Miss Needham and Miss Jesson to discuss a range of topics from parking to packed lunches, the curriculum to school developments. The minutes of these meetings are published in the half-termly newsletters. 
There is a suggestion box in the foyer for working parents and carers, if you cannot make the meetings, we will send out a Zoom link so you can join from home. We also send a weekly email called the 'weekly round-up', with everything you need for the week ahead. Additionally, we send out a  yearly questionnaire and the results of this directly impact the School Development Plan.  
We hold meet the new teacher meetings in the summer term and parents' evenings in the Autumn and Spring terms.

OFSTED also want your views. Please click the title above to see the Parent View web page.

If your child is unwell, please inform the school office on the first day of illness. If children have vomiting and/or diarrhoea, they need to stay at home for 48 hours following the last episode. This is to limit spread of infection to others. You may find information on the following website helpful.
NHS information


Did you know you can help to raise funds for our school?

Totternhoe CE Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to the school to share this commitment 
